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Emory College Faculty Bylaws

Adopted Date
04 November 1964
Previous Revised Dates
15 February 202430 August 202302 April 201919 February 201801 November 201705 October 201618 February 201511 December 201322 February 201227 April 201109 February 201120 February 200801 September 200721 March 200724 January 200708 September 200419 November 200318 September 200326 January 200011 September 199131 December 199016 September 198612 November 198511 April 198430 September 197515 May 197426 May 197119 April 1971

Article I

In accordance with the bylaws of Emory University, the following bylaws are adopted to govern the organization and procedures of the Emory College faculty (the College).

Article II
Jurisdiction and Functions

Jurisdiction, functions and appointments of the Emory College faculty are set forth in the bylaws of Emory University, Article IV, Sections 1-3 (Appendix A).

Article III

  1. Regular Members

    Regular members are those full-time faculty who hold regular appointments at the ranks of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, professor of pedagogy/practice/performance, senior lecturer, lecturer and whose primary appointment (at least 50%) are in Emory College.

  2. Associate Members

    Associate members are those faculty who (1) hold rank not specified in Section 1; or (2) hold part-time or fixed-term visiting appointments; or (3) hold primary appointments in other schools of Emory University.

  3. Members of the Divisions

    In the application of these bylaws, the faculty members of the Division of the Humanities, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Social Sciences, shall be by self-designation. The default options for those who do not self-designate will be:

    Division of Humanities - Faculty members in African American Studies, Art History, Classics, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, English, Film and Media Studies, French and Italian, German Studies, Institute of Liberal Arts, Linguistics, Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures, Spanish and Portuguese, and Theater and Dance.

    Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - Faculty members in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology, and Physics.

    Division of Social Sciences - Faculty members in Anthropology, Center for the Study of Human Health, Economics, Educational Studies, History, Institute for Quantitative Theory and Methods, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

  4. Open Enrollment

    Faculty who wish to change their Division shall do so during an “open enrollment” period each Fall semester prior to the Spring elections. This “open enrollment” period will be managed by the College Senate. Faculty elected to serve on a committee as a member of a specific Division will be considered as part of that Division during their time on the committee, even should the faculty member change their Division subsequently.

Article IV
Faculty Officers

  1. Officers of the Faculty

    1. Ex-officio

      The Dean of the College shall be Chair of the Emory College faculty.

    2. Elected

      The elected President of the College Senate shall be Vice-Chair of the Emory College faculty.

  2. Delegations and Appointments

    1. Delegation

      The Dean delegates to the President of the College Senate the authority to preside over regular meetings of the Emory College faculty.

    2. Appointment

      The Dean may appoint, with the consent of the faculty, a parliamentarian.

    3. Duties

      All elective and appointive officers shall perform the duties usually associated with their positions.

Article V
Meetings of the Emory College Faculty

  1. Regular Meetings

    1. Regular Meetings

      The President of the College Senate shall call a minimum of two regular meetings of the Emory College faculty per academic year, at the beginning of October and February.

    2. Additional Meetings

      The President of the College Senate, with the approval of the Executive Council, may call additional meetings of the Emory College faculty.

  2. Voting Privileges

    1. Participation

      Regular and associate members may speak at any meeting of the faculty, but only regular members shall have the right to make motions or to vote.

    2. Prohibited Voting

      No absentee or proxy voting is allowed in Emory College faculty meetings.

    3. Vote Requirements

      Motions which require a majority vote include but are not limited to: amendments, substitutions of one motion for another, motions to commit or table a motion, and calling the question.

    4. Notice

      Any motion which alters either the graduation or distribution requirements of the College requires approval will be passed by electronic vote according to the College Bylaws Section 8, Part I.

  3. Electronic Voting

    1. Authorization

      Regular members present and voting at a meeting may elect to authorize an electronic vote of the faculty on any question by majority vote.

    2. Eligibility

      Only regular members may participate in electronic voting.

    3. Substance

      The content of any motion or resolution that will appear for an electronic vote must be fully decided (including any amendments) by the members present at the meeting in which an electronic vote is authorized.

    4. Implementation

      When an electronic vote is authorized, the College Senate shall prepare introductory language and instructions about the pending motion except where that function has been delegated to another party by these bylaws, and electronic voting will take place no sooner than one week following the electronic distribution of those instructions to members.

  4. Quorum

    1. Requirement

      Twenty-five (25) per cent of members not on leave as determined by the College Office on September 1 and January 1 of each semester shall constitute a quorum for all meetings of the College Faculty.

    2. Permissible Action

      In the absence of a quorum, discussion may proceed at the discretion of the chair, but no formal action (motion, resolution or other proposal) may be taken except adjournment to a specified future time.

  5. Visitors

    1. Seating

      Persons other than regular members and associate members shall be seated behind the faculty in such a manner as not to interfere with decorum and proper deliberations of the body.

    2. Closed Session

      Meetings may be closed to visitors by majority vote of the faculty.

    3. Request to Speak

      Anyone other than a regular member or associate member who wishes to address the faculty shall notify the Dean or the President of the College Senate in writing prior to the meeting. If the Dean or the President of the College Senate deem it advisable, the assembled faculty may permit such person(s) to speak by majority vote.

  6. Special Meetings

    1. Requirement

      Special meetings of the Emory College faculty may be called by the Dean of the College.

    2. Petition

      A petition signed by fifty (50) regular members of the Emory College faculty shall require the Vice Chair to convene a special meeting of the Emory College faculty to discuss a specific matter. Such meetings shall take place no later than one month following receipt of said petition.

    3. Permissible Action

      In the absence of a quorum at a special meeting, discussion may proceed at the discretion of the chair, but no formal action (motion, resolution or other proposal) may be taken except adjournment.

    4. Unnoticed Topics

      An item not on the announced agenda for a special meeting may be added to the agenda by a two-thirds vote of those regular members present and voting if a quorum is present.

    5. Notice

      When a special meeting is necessary on short notice, every effort will be made to inform regular members and associate members as far in advance as possible.

    6. Ratification

      If the regular members of the Emory College faculty pass a substantive motion or proposal at a special session, it will be submitted to the entire faculty for ratification by an electronic vote.

    7. Conflicts

      The outcome of a ratification vote of the entire voting faculty takes precedence over any vote of the College Senate in case of conflicting votes.

Article VI
College Senate

  1. Jurisdiction

    The College Senate of Emory University’s College of Arts and Sciences is the elected and representative body of the Emory College faculty. It may consider, take positions, and vote on any matter of interest to Emory College faculty, including those having to do with the role of the College within the University.

  2. Succession

    The College Senate replaces the Governance Committee (GovCom). Any reference in Emory College policies and procedures to the Governance Committee or GovCom shall be understood as referring to the superseding College Senate.

  3. Powers and Duties

    The College Senate shall have those powers and duties which have been or which may be delegated to it by the Emory College faculty in these bylaws or by vote at a meeting of the Emory College faculty or by the Board of Trustees of Emory University.

  4. Functions

    1. The College Senate shall:

      1. protect academic freedom,
      2. promote excellence in research and teaching,
      3. promote equity and diversity within the faculty and student body, and
      4. advance the general welfare of the College.
    2. The College Senate will work with faculty and the College Administration to:

      1. establish priorities and goals for the College and
      2. create and implement policies regarding the core college missions of research, teaching, and service, including the development, evaluation, and reorganization of College programs.
    3. The College Senate will have responsibility for overseeing all aspects of standing committees, including:

      1. The authority to redefine standing committees and their mandates.
      2. Receiving reports from standing committees with the exception of the confidential deliberations of the Grievance Committee, the Lecture Track Promotion Committee, and the Tenure and Promotion Committee.
    4. Issues which the College Administration wishes to be considered by a standing committee shall be directed to the College Senate, which shall determine the assignment to a standing committee(s).

    5. The College Senate shall consider any matters presented to it by standing committees and may take whatever action concerning such matters as the College Senate deems appropriate.

    6. The College Senate shall have the authority to create working groups and task forces.

  5. Authority

    1. Impact

      Matters voted on by the College Senate shall be the decisions of the faculty subject to appeal as outlined in these bylaws.

    2. Recommendations

      The College Senate may submit recommendations and resolutions to the Administration, including the Board of Trustees, the Provost and President, the Dean of the Laney Graduate School, and the Dean of Emory College Arts and Sciences.

  6. Membership and Representation

    1. Composition

      The College Senate shall consist of twenty-three (23) voting senators and eight (8) non-voting, ex officio senators.

    2. Eligibility

      All regular members of the faculty of Emory College shall be eligible to serve as senators of the College Senate.

    3. Representation

      The College Senate shall be comprised as follows:

      1. Six (6) senators each from the Division of the Humanities, the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Division of Social Sciences, elected from and by members of each division.
        1. A minimum of three (3) senators from each division shall be faculty who hold appointments at the rank Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor.
        2. A minimum of one (1) senator from each division shall be faculty who hold appointments at the rank of Professor of Pedagogy/Practice/Performance, Senior Lecturer, or Lecturer.
      2. Five (5) at-large senators elected by the entire faculty.
        1. A minimum of two (2) senators shall be faculty who hold appointments at the rank Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor.
        2. A minimum of one (1) at-large senator shall be a faculty member who holds an appointment at the rank of Professor of Pedagogy/Practice/Performance, Senior Lecturer, or Lecturer.
      3. Eight ex-officio positions with no vote and not counted toward quorum:
        1. Faculty representative from the Faculty Council of the University Senate, (selected by the College Senate).
        2. Faculty representative from the Executive Council of the Laney Graduate School, (selected by the College Senate).
        3. Chair of the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee.
        4. Chair of the Assessment and Curricular Review Committee
        5. Immediate past-President of the Senate.
        6. Dean of College.
        7. Dean of Admissions.
        8. Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.
    4. Tenure

      No Senator may serve more than seven consecutive years in the College Senate.

    5. Restriction

      No person shall concurrently hold more than one College Senate seat. Administrators at the level of Senior Associate Dean or above may not stand for election to the College Senate.

    6. Exception to Composition

      If President-elect or President are not current senators, faculty members elected to those positions will have voting rights during their terms in office (but not as past-President). Thus, the Senate may fluctuate up to 25 voting members.
  7. College Senate Officers

    1. Officers

      The officers of the College Senate shall be President and President-elect.

    2. Nominations

      Two candidates for President-elect shall be nominated annually by the College Senate by secret ballot.

    3. Election

      The full faculty shall by electronic ballot elect the President-elect by majority vote from the two candidates nominated by the College Senate.

    4. Start of Term

      The elected candidate will begin to serve as President-elect at the beginning of the academic year following his/her election.

    5. President Term

      The President-elect shall serve in the capacity of President at the beginning of the academic year in the calendar year following his/her election and shall automatically assume the duties of that position at that time.

  8. Meetings

    1. Frequency

      The College Senate shall meet at least monthly during the academic year, except during meetings of the full faculty. Meetings shall be open to faculty and administration.

    2. Non-faculty Members

      Visitors shall be seated in such a manner as not to interfere with decorum and proper deliberations of the body. Meetings may be closed to visitors who are not regular or associate members by a majority vote of the College Senate.

    3. Protected Information

      The College Senate may refer issues involving legal or statutorily protected information to the executive council to be considered in closed session.

    4. Department / Program Representation

      Provision shall be made for departments or programs to make representation in person and in writing to the College Senate and to receive a response.

    5. Public Session

      The President of the College Senate shall reserve a time at the beginning of each meeting for public comment.

    6. Quorum

      At least fifteen (15) of the elected senators of the College Senate constitute a quorum.

    7. Permissible Actions

      In the absence of a quorum, discussion may proceed at the discretion of the chair, but no action (motion, resolution or other formal proposal) may be taken except adjournment to a specified future time.

    8. Restrictions

      1. No absentee or proxy voting is allowed in the College Senate.
      2. The College Senate may seek advice and guidance from any faculty member or administrator it deems appropriate, but such individuals may serve in an advisory role only.
    9. Electronic Vote Presented to Faculty

      1. Authorization. Members of the Senate, by majority vote, may authorize an electronic vote of the faculty on any question.
      2. Quorum. For the purposes of electronic voting on motions offered by the senate, ballots cast electronically shall be counted for determining a quorum, which shall be 25% of members not on leave as determined by the College office on September 1 and January 1 of each semester.
      3. Substance. The content of any motion or resolution that will appear for an electronic vote must be fully decided by the members present at the meeting in which an electronic vote is authorized and is not subject to further amendment.
  9. Executive Council

    1. Composition

      The College Senate shall have an Executive Council consisting of the President, the President-elect, the immediate past-President, and one senator from each division and one senator at large elected by and from the members of the College Senate.

    2. Function

      1. The President, in consultation with the Executive Council, shall be responsible for setting the agenda of the College Senate and College Faculty meetings.
      2. May consider matters referred from the College Senate involving legal or statutorily protected information in closed session.
    3. Ex-Officio

      The immediate past president shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the executive committee for one year following their term as President unless re-elected to the College Senate.

    4. Ineligibility

      If the immediate past president is ineligible or unable to serve for any reason including being reelected to the College Senate that slot on the Executive Council shall remain vacant for that term.

    5. Closed Sessions

      Meetings of the Executive Council shall be open to faculty and administration unless the Executive Council votes by two-thirds vote to go into closed session to consider legal or statutorily protected information.

      1. Any person whom the Executive Council may determine to be necessary to its deliberations may be allowed to participate in the council’s closed session meeting for that purpose.
      2. The Executive Council shall report to the College Senate exclusive of any confidential findings or actions.
  10. Working Groups

    1. A working-group or task force composed of elected senators may be constituted at any time.

    2. A working group or task force composed of faculty shall be constituted by nomination and election.

    3. All decisions by working groups and task forces must be referred directly to the College Senate for discussion before final determinations are made, or before making recommendations to the College Administration.

  11. Communication

    The College Senate shall report on its work to the Emory College faculty through minutes of its meetings and in regularly scheduled faculty meetings.

  12. Bylaws and Organization of the Senate

    The College Senate shall adopt its own bylaws for further organizing itself and conducting business. The bylaws of the College Senate must also contain procedures by which any member of the college community may, in a timely manner, obtain the schedule, agenda, and minutes of College Senate meetings and may attend Senate meetings. No provision of the College Senate bylaws may conflict with the bylaws of the Emory College Faculty.

  13. Review

    1. After a period of three (3) years following its first meeting, the College Senate will review the senate, including its composition and functioning, and will report its findings and recommendations to the faculty by the end of the first semester of the fourth (4th) year.

    2. This report shall be voted on by the regular members of the faculty by electronic ballot.

    3. After the initial review, the Senate shall review itself every five (5) years and shall report its findings and recommendations to the faculty for approval.

Article VII
College Senate Standing Committees

  1. Authorization

    The standing committees of the College Senate shall be Academic Standards; Admissions and Scholarships; Anti-Racism and Social Justice; Assessment and Curricular Review; Curriculum and Educational Policy; Education Abroad; Grievance; Honors; Lecture Track Faculty Promotion; Nominations; and Tenure and Promotion.

  2. Jurisdiction

    1. All standing committees will be overseen by and report to the College Senate as provided in these bylaws and the standing rules.

    2. The College Senate will have responsibility for overseeing all aspects of standing committees, including the authority to redefine standing committees and their mandates.

    3. The standing committees of Emory College shall report to the College Senate, with the exception of the confidential deliberations of the Grievance Committee, the Lecture Track Promotion Committee, and the Tenure and Promotion Committee.

  3. Membership

    1. Composition

      Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, each standing committee shall consist of two members elected from and by the faculty members of each of the three Divisions of the College (Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences), and three student members (with one additional student serving as alternate).

    2. Eligibility

      All regular members of the faculty of Emory College shall be eligible to serve as members of standing committees.

  4. Functions

    The functions of the standing committees of the College Senate shall be as follows:

    1. Investigate or discuss matters referred to the standing committee by the College Faculty or College Senate.

    2. A standing committee may submit any matter to the College Senate for its consideration.

    3. Any matter which a standing committee wishes to place on the agenda of a meeting of the Emory College faculty must first be submitted to the College Senate for its consideration, which may so place the matter on the agenda of the next College Senate meeting, or send it back to the standing committee with advice for further study.

    4. In the conduct of its business any standing committee may appoint subcommittees, which may be composed of members of the standing committee or non-members or both.

  5. Chairs

    Committee faculty members shall elect committee chairs in the spring semester not later than March 15 for terms beginning at the start of the following academic year.

  6. Terms

    Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, faculty members shall serve three-year terms. Student members shall be appointed annually by the College Senate from a list of three students and one alternate nominated for each position by the College Council. Student members shall serve during the academic year in which they are appointed and shall be voting members.

  7. Special Provisions

    The following special provisions apply to the membership of standing committees:

    1. The Education Abroad Committee, Grievance Committee, and Tenure and Promotion Committee, shall have nine members: three members elected from and by the faculty members in each of the three Divisions of the College (Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences).

    2. The Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee shall have nine (9) members: four members elected from and by the faculty members in each of the three Divisions of the College (Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences). This will allow the Committee to divide into appropriate subcommittees to facilitate its work. The subcommittee chairs will be appointed from among committee members by the committee chair.

    3. The  Assessment and Curricular Review Committee shall have nine (9) members: four members elected from and by the faculty members in each of the three Divisions of the College (Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences). This will allow the Committee to divide into appropriate subcommittees to facilitate its work. The subcommittee chairs will be appointed from among committee members by the committee chair.
    4. In addition to its membership noted above, the Educational Policy sub-committee of the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee shall have one member chosen by the Committee on Academic Standards, who shall be a voting member. The Associate Dean of Summer and International Programs and the Director of the Center for International Programs Abroad (CIPA) shall serve as non-voting ex officio members of this committee.

    5. In addition to its membership noted above, the Education Abroad Committee shall have one member from and chosen by the Assessment and Curricular Review Committee, who shall be a voting member. The Associate Dean of Summer and International Programs and the Director of the Center for International Programs Abroad (CIPA) shall serve as non-voting ex officio members.

    6. In addition to its membership noted above, the Assessment and Curricular Review, the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee, and the Admissions and Scholarships Committee, shall have the Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education and the Dean of Admissions as non-voting ex officio members.

    7. The Grievance Committee, Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee, Nominations Committee, and the Tenure and Promotion Committee shall not include student members.

    8. All elected members of the Grievance Committee shall be tenured. If a grievance is brought by an LTF faculty member, the Chair of the Grievance Committee will appoint two LTF faculty members at the rank of Senior Lecturer or above to join the standing members of the Committee in considering the grievance. One shall be from the faculty member’s own division, the second from outside that division.

    9. The Nominations Committee shall act in close consultation with the Dean in proposing nominees to serve on the Tenure and Promotion Committee.

    10. The Tenure and Promotion Committee members shall all be tenured, full professors. It shall have nine members: three members elected from and by the faculty members of the three Divisions of the College (Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Social Sciences) to serve three-year staggered terms.

      1. No member may serve on the Committee when it evaluates a member of his or her own department.
      2. The Dean may appoint alternates when members are unable or ineligible to serve.
      3. The Chair of the Tenure and Promotion Committee shall be elected by its membership for a one-year term, and shall be a voting member.
      4. An Associate Dean of the College designated by the Dean shall be an ex officio (non-voting) member.
      5. The committee shall not include two members of the same program or department.
    11. The Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee shall have three members from the tenured, full professors, and three members from the lecture track faculty, all Professors of Pedagogy, Practice, or Performance.

      1. All members shall be elected to serve three-year staggered terms.
      2. This committee will include at least one member from the natural sciences, one member from the social sciences, and one member from the humanities/arts.
      3. No member may serve on the committee when it evaluates a member of his or her own department or program.
      4. The Dean may appoint alternates when members are unable or ineligible to serve.
      5. The chair of the Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee shall be elected by its membership for a one-year term, and shall be a voting member.
      6. An Associate Dean of the College designated by the Dean shall be a non-voting ex officio member.
      7. The committee shall not include two members of the same program or department.
    12. The Honors Committee shall involve, among the six faculty members serving staggered three-year terms representing different divisions of Emory College, one member from each academic division (Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Science and Mathematics) who has previous Honors advising experience. A dean from the Office for Undergraduate Education will serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.

    13. The Anti-Racism and Social Justice Committee shall select each year one member of the College leadership team at the rank of Senior Associate Dean or higher to serve as an Ex-Officio member of the committee.
    14. The Anti-Racism and Social Justice Committee shall make a presentation to the College faculty once per year to report on challenges, recommendations, implementation, progress, and dissemination. This presentation may be at a College Faculty meeting or at a special meeting to be organized by the ECAS Faculty Senate. The annual written report of the committee will be made available to all College faculty.
  8. Meetings

    Each standing committee shall meet at least once each semester. The chair shall convene meetings upon his or her own initiative, or upon petition to the chair signed by one-half of the voting members of the committee.

  9. Jurisdiction and Duties

    1. Academic Standards Committee

      This committee upholds the academic standards of the College. The committee reviews petitions from students who have experienced special circumstances that have affected their academic performance or that require special consideration, approves readmission of students who have withdrawn for academic reasons or have been excluded, makes decisions on requests for non-resident study, and acts upon requests for exceptions to existing academic regulations and requirements. An Associate Dean from the College is a non-voting ex officio member and receives student appeals for the committee.

    2. Admissions and Scholarships

      This committee shall establish the standards and policies by which applicants for admission and applicants for financial aid are to be selected and shall assure itself that College policies on undergraduate admission and financial aid are being executed, including the awarding of College scholarship funds insofar as University Scholarship policies do not apply.

    3. Anti-Racism and Social Justice Committee

      This committee is focused on actions that can be taken by faculty, be it individually, in departments, and through the ECAS Faculty Senate, to create policies and culture that combat systemic racism on our campus and ensure full participation for all students, staff, and faculty in the educational, research, and service activities of the College. 

      1. The committee shall:

      1. Maintain open communication with undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty by providing means to report challenges they face or observe in the College that prevent full participation. 
      2. Generate recommendations for actions that can be taken by faculty at the individual, department/program, and College level to counter these challenges and promote social justice. 
      3. Work with College leadership and other University Offices and programs (e.g. University Senate, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Campus Life, Center for Faculty Development and Excellence) to cultivate resources, programming, and policies to support implementation of the recommendations. 
      4. Collect data to track progress toward overcoming identified challenges and analyze data to identify effective recommendations and implementation strategies. 
      5. Disseminate data regarding challenges and progress to stakeholders including undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the broader community. 

      2. Committee members shall demonstrate a dedication to their own self-education and growth in the areas of anti-racism and social justice. 

      3. The committee serves as a resource for all faculty, including the members of department and College leadership teams with regard to the development of goals and plan to combat racism and promote social justice at Emory. 

    4. Assessment and Curricular Review Committee

      This committee shall oversee the Assessment process for academic programs in Emory College, and for review of the general education requirements. This will include regular review of courses approved for the Communications requirement; for those purposes, the director of the Writing Program will serve as an ex-officio member and advisor to the committee.

    5. Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee

      This committee shall review courses proposals and major/minor proposals, and making decisions about educational policy for Emory College. As a part of this approval process, they will also approve general education tags for courses.  This review process will include a subcommittee for Race & Ethnicity members, with two CEP members and two appointed faculty with scholarly expertise in this area.  In addition to these approvals, the Committee will also review and approve student petitions for non-credit Experience and Application credit

    6. Education Abroad Committee

      This committee shall study and recommend to the faculty policies and standards for the creation, deletion and periodic review of College-sponsored programs abroad and their integration into the curriculum of the College.

      1. The committee shall:
        1. advise CIPA on academic policies concerning study abroad and scholarships for study abroad.
        2. give final approval to the creation, change, or deletion of College academic programs abroad
        3. approve policies for the transfer of credit for courses completed abroad that are not equivalent to courses taught on campus, and
        4. approve the addition, change, or deletion, of courses exclusively offered abroad.
      2. This committee gives final approval to requests/appeals to existing Study Abroad policies.
    7. Grievance Committee

      This committee shall investigate and hear grievances brought by members of the Emory College Faculty.

      1. A "grievance" is any complaint of a faculty member relating to the employment
        relationship with Emory College including, but not limited to, improper administration
        or application of policies, unfair or unequal treatment, and working conditions.
      2. It is recommended that faculty avail themselves of other conflict‐resolution support
        resources available on campus (e.g. University Ombuds Office) before filing a
        grievance. The chair of the Grievance Committee is also available for confidential
        preliminary consultation.
      3. Grievances may be presented in writing and/or in person, and faculty members are
        entitled to an advocate, usually a member of the Emory College Faculty.
      4. The grievance review process is initiated by a written notice to the chair of the Grievance Committee. When such notice is received, after determining whether recusals are necessary, the chair shall convene all eligible members of the committee to consider the matter. After ascertaining that it has jurisdiction, the Grievance Committee will either reach a determination or decide on next steps, including scheduling a hearing if one has been requested by the faculty member. Every effort will be made to proceed with alacrity and to inform the faculty member in writing within thirty days as to what steps are being taken.
      5. After concluding its investigation, the Grievance Committee makes recommendations to the Dean or appropriate administrator and responds to the faculty member. These communications shall be written, and the faculty member shall receive a copy of the Committee’s recommendation to the Dean.
      6. In the event that the grievance involves a conflict between the faculty member and the Dean, the Committee’s recommendation shall be addressed to the Provost. Both the Dean and the faculty member shall receive copies of the Grievance Committee’s recommendation to the Provost.
      7. The committee’s deliberations are confidential, and no records shall be retained or shared with any other parties (see VI, 4 C).
    8. Honors Committee

      This committee administers the College Honors Program in collaboration with individual academic departments and programs that offer honors.

      1. The committee shall:
        1. Approve proposals from academic departments and programs to offer an honors program.
        2. Make and revise policies for the operation of the College Honors Program (significant changes in the criteria for admission to the program or in graduation criteria will be proposed to the appropriate governing body on the recommendation of the Honors Committee).
        3. Review student petitions to participate in the College Honors Program.
        4. Approve any exceptions to requirements or policies of the Honors Program related to specific situations.
      2. The Honors Committee shall have final authority over decisions about student petitions and exceptions. Other decisions of the Honors Committee concerning policies may be appealed to the Senate, which can refer the issue to the Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee, or another relevant standing committee.
    9. Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee

      This committee shall review and make recommendations to the dean on all promotions at the rank of senior lecturer and professor of pedagogy, practice or performance.

    10. Nominations Committee

      The Nominations Committee is charged with the responsibility of preparing a slate of candidates for all positions filled by election of the faculty of Emory College in which vacancies will exist for part or all of the coming academic year. These include, but are not limited to: members of the College Senate, members of the standing committees, and representatives to the University Senate. The Nominations Committee shall also nominate six faculty members to serve as faculty representatives on the Student Conduct Council.

    11. Tenure and Promotion Committee

      This committee shall review and make recommendations to the dean on all appointments and promotions at the rank of associate professor and professor, all recommendations for reappointment following pre-tenure reviews, and all appointments involving tenure.

  10. Communication

    1. With the exception of the confidential deliberations of the Grievance Committee, Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee, and Tenure and Promotion Committee, all standing committees report to the College Senate. This may take the form of a written report signed by all members of the standing committee or an in-person presentation by the chair or a chair-designate of the standing committee before a meeting of the College Senate.

    2. The chairs of all standing committees, except the Grievance Committee, Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee, and the Tenure and Promotion Committee, shall make available minutes of their meetings to the College faculty.

    3. The chairs of standing committees, except the Grievance Committee, Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee, and the Tenure and Promotion Committee, shall provide a report to the faculty in advance of the regularly scheduled meetings of the College Faculty.

  11. Restrictions

    1. Any work of the College Senate, standing committees of the College Senate, or ad hoc committees of the College Senate that might lead to the reorganization or elimination of departments or programs within the College shall follow a process that is transparent and fully consultative of the faculty.

    2. Information including, but not limited to, priorities and goals for the College, proposals for the development and modification of College programs, the budgetary implications of such proposals, and the criteria by which the effectiveness of departments and programs are evaluated in terms of the core missions of teaching and research shall be provided by the College Senate, its standing committees, and ad hoc committees to the faculty.

Article VIII
Nominations, Elections and Vacancies

  1. Nominations

    1. Invitation

      The Nominations Committee shall invite nominations for College Senate and Standing Committees from the College faculty, Chairs of Departments and Programs, and the Chairs of the Divisional Councils no later than February 1.

    2. Diversity

      The Nominations Committee should strive to create a slate of College Senate candidates that reflects the diversity of Emory College.

    3. Deadline

      The Nominations Committee shall present its slate of nominees to the faculty of Emory College not later than March 15.

    4. Minimum Nominations

      The Nominations Committee shall nominate at least two members for each vacancy.

    5. Consent to Serve

      Before being nominated, candidates will be contacted by the committee to determine their willingness to serve.

  2. Additional Nominations

    1. Procedure

      A faculty member wishing to seek election to the College Senate but not nominated by the Nominations Committee may place herself/ himself on the ballot by a written request to the Chair of the Nominations Committee accompanied by the signatures of twenty (20) members of the faculty endorsing the nomination.

    2. Nominating Others

      A faculty member may add the name of another faculty member to the slate of candidates prepared by the Nominations Committee by submitting a written consent signed by the nominee to the Chair of the Nominations Committee accompanied by the signatures of twenty (20) members of the faculty endorsing the nomination. Such requests must be received no later than April 1.

  3. Elections

    1. Elections for all College Senate positions shall be by electronic ballot and shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast.

    2. Should a runoff be necessary, it shall take place between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes, or the top three candidates should there be a tie for the second highest number of votes.

    3. Elections will be held annually in the spring no later than May 1, organized by the Nominations Committee consistent with these bylaws.

    4. All elections shall be administered by the Dean’s office staff and ratified by the Dean and the chair of the Nominations Committee.

  4. Term

    1. Start of Term

      Each senator and standing committee member shall assume office at the beginning of the academic year following his/her election and shall hold office for a term of three years or until their successor is elected.

    2. Staggered Term

      Terms shall be staggered such that approximately one-third of the senate’s and standing committee’s elected members will be elected each year.

  5. Vacancies

    1. Senate vacancy

      Any vacancy in the Senate will be filled by appointment by the President with the approval of a majority of the College Senate. Appointees will serve until the original seat holder returns to the senate, but no more than two semesters. If the original seat holder is unable to return after two semesters, the seat is filled for the unexpired term at the next regularly scheduled election.

    2. Presidential vacancy

      If the position of the President becomes vacant at any time, the President-elect will become President for the remainder of the term. This service will not impact the President-elect’s eligibility to serve a full term as President.

    3. President-elect vacancy

      If the President-elect becomes vacant at any time, a new President-elect pro tempore shall be elected at the next regular meeting of the Senate or at a special session called by the President for this purpose by a majority vote of the senators present and voting. The President-elect pro tempore shall serve until the seat is filled by the faculty at the next regularly scheduled election for a full term. In addition, the President for the next academic year shall be directly elected following the procedures in Article VI, Section 7B and C for the election of a President-Elect.

    4. Standing Committee vacancy

      Vacant standing committee seats will be filled by appointment of the committee chair with the approval of the committee. Appointees will serve until the original seat holder returns to the committee, but no more than two semesters. If the original seat holder is unable to return after two semesters, the committee seat is filled for the unexpired term at the next regularly scheduled election.

Article IX
Ad Hoc Committees

  1. Authority

    The Dean of the College may create Ad Hoc Committees from time to time as these may become necessary for proper transaction of business and supervision of the affairs of Emory College, provided that the purpose of any such committee does not fall within the jurisdiction of a standing committee.

  2. Consultation

    The Dean shall consult with the College Senate concerning any ad hoc committee's purpose and membership before appointing it, shall regularly inform the College Senate of its activities, and shall consult with the College Senate before taking any action based on its findings.

  3. Restriction

    No ad hoc committee shall be appointed for a term longer than two calendar years.

  4. Communication

    Ad hoc committees shall report to the Dean of the College and the College Senate. The President of the College Senate may refer a report to the Executive Council if it includes legal or statutorily protected information

Article X
Review and Appeal

  1. Authority

    The faculty of the College as a whole reserves to itself the power of review over the actions of its standing committees and the College Senate, subject to the following provisions:

    1. Placing appeal of a standing committee decision on the agenda of the College Senate.

      An action of a standing committee may be appealed to the College Senate upon the written petition of twenty-five (25) members of the College Faculty to the chair of the standing committee or to the President of the College Senate. Such petitions shall be filed within two weeks of the committee's action or within one week of the distribution of the report of the committee's action, whichever shall be later.

      Upon receipt of the petition, the chair of the standing committee shall notify the President of the College Senate, who shall place the matter of the appeal on the announced agenda of its next regular meeting. The College Senate must consider all such appeals within one month in which they are brought or no later than September 15 of the next academic year should the appeal be brought on or after April 15.

    2. Placing appeal of a College Senate decision on the agenda of the College Faculty Meeting.

      An action of the College Senate may be appealed upon the written petition of fifty (50) members of the College Faculty to the President of the College Senate. Such petitions shall be filed within two weeks of the Senate’s action or within one week of the distribution of the report of the Senate’s action, whichever shall be later.

      Upon receipt of the petition, the President of the College Senate shall place the matter of the appeal on the announced agenda of the next Faculty Meeting, which must take place within one month of receiving the appeal. Appeals brought on or after April 15 will be taken up no later than September 15 of the next academic year.

  2. Electronic Voting Authorization

    Any appeal of a College Senate decision shall be presented to the regular members of the College Faculty as an electronic vote after the Dean of the College has prepared and distributed introductory language and instructions about the appeal. Electronic voting will take place no sooner than one week following the electronic distribution of those instructions to members.

  3. Exclusions

    1. Specifically excluded from the preceding provisions shall be all actions of any standing committee pertaining to individual students, i.e. readmission, requests for non-resident study, etc.

    2. The above provisions on faculty review of decisions of standing committees specifically exclude matters of tenure and promotion and questions of reappointment following pre-tenure reviews, actions of the Lecture Track Faculty Promotion Committee on matters of promotion, and recommendations of the Grievance Committee.

Article XI

These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the faculty by two-thirds vote of those regular members present and voting, or by two-thirds vote of those regular members voting electronically when an electronic vote is authorized consistent with these bylaws, provided that notice of any proposed amendments has been given to the Emory College faculty at a preceding meeting or in writing at least one week in advance of the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be acted upon.

Article XII
Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the latest edition of Roberts' Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Emory College faculty and the College Senate and Standing committees, in all cases to which these rules are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, or the bylaws of Emory University or any special rules of the Emory College faculty.

Appendix a
Article IV of University Bylaws

  1. Faculty

    Responsibility for the instructional programs of the University shall be vested in the University Faculty under the direction of the President. The faculty shall include the President, the Provost, the Executive and other Vice Presidents, Deans, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Instructors, and persons of such other rank or title as the President may recommend.

    The faculty of any school or college of the University shall include all such officers as have responsibility for instruction in that school or college. A member of the University faculty may be a member of the faculty of more than one school or college.

    Subject to general University policy and regulations and to the powers vested in the President of the University and the University Senate, the faculty of any school or college shall have jurisdiction over the educational program and the internal affairs of that division, instruction, schedules, and degree requirements.

  2. Deans

    The Dean of a school or college shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees or its Executive Committee upon recommendation of the President, who shall have conferred regarding such recommendation with the Provost and/or Executive Vice President for Health Affairs. The President also shall seek the advice of an appropriately appointed committee, which shall include members of the faculty of the school or college concerned, and shall inform the Board of the views of that committee. The Dean of a school or college shall have general responsibility for the direction of the work of his or her division and shall be responsible to the President for the administration thereof; shall exercise leadership in the development of educational policies and programs; shall preside at meetings of the faculty of his or her school or college except when the President chooses to preside; shall supervise the work and direct the discipline of his or her division and shall advise with the President in the formation of the faculty, the determination of curricula, and concerning all the interests of his or her division, including its relationships to other divisions of the University and to the interests of the University as a whole.
  3. Faculty Appointments

    Appointments to membership on the faculty, other than the President, Provost, Executive and other Vice Presidents, and Deans, shall be of two kinds—limited and continuous. A limited appointment is one which is terminated at the close of a period of time specified in writing to the appointee. A continuous appointment is one which will not be terminated by the University except as specified in the principles approved and published by the Board of Trustees, or by retirement in accordance with the provisions of the Emory University Retirement Plan.

    Limited appointments shall be made by the Dean of the academic unit primarily concerned, and shall be reported annually to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs, whichever is appropriate.

    Continuous appointments shall be made by the Board of Trustees or its Executive Committee upon the recommendation of the President, who shall have conferred regarding such recommendation with the Dean of the academic unit, and the appropriate Executive Vice President.

    The Deans shall establish and communicate to their faculty the procedures for expressing faculty opinion in matters of individual appointment, promotion, and termination. The precise terms and conditions of each appointment shall be stated in writing, shall be in accordance with the principles approved and published by the Board of Trustees, and shall be in possession both of the University and the appointee before the appointment is final.

Appendix ab
Provisos Relating To Transition

  1. Elections shall take place no later than May 1 following the approval of these bylaws.
  2. Nominations and elections shall be organized by the Nominations Committee as constituted under the previous bylaws and assisted by the Dean of the College.
  3. The eight (8) Governance Committee members shall continue as senators until the expiration of their current terms (2016 or 2017).
  4. Four (4) of the remaining senate vacancies shall be filled for positions for terms limited to one (1) year. Four (4) of the remaining senate vacancies shall be filled for positions for terms limited to two (2) years. The remaining seven (7) senate vacancies shall be for terms of three (3) years.
  5. Upon election, senators shall meet to elect a president by majority vote. All members of the senate shall be eligible to hold office.
  6. Upon election, senators shall meet to elect an interim executive council that shall have the responsibility for drafting the senate bylaws to be voted on by the senate by majority vote. The interim executive council shall consist of the President, one senator from each division, and one senator at large.
  7. The Nominations Committee shall organize elections to ensure that committees are composed as specified in the adopted bylaws.
  8. The Curriculum, Assessment and Education Policy Committee shall be composed of the members of the Curriculum and Educational Policy committees whose terms continue for the 2015-16 or 2016-17 academic years.
  9. Following the written report of its work during the spring 2018 meeting of the faculty, the president of the senate shall offer to the faculty a motion whether the Faculty Senate should continue in its present form or be revised. This motion must be voted on by electronic ballot. Should the faculty vote to revise, the Senate shall immediately begin work revising the bylaws to respond to faculty concerns.

Appendix abc
Standing Rules

College Faculty:

  1. The regular order of business for the College Faculty meeting shall be as follows:
    1. Call to Order
    2. Approval of Agenda
    3. Submission of Minutes
    4. Report of the Dean of the College
    5. Report of the College Senate
    6. Report of Standing Committees
    7. Motions to Commit to Senate
    8. Unfinished Business
    9. New Business
    10. Adjournment
  2. Additional items may be placed on the faculty agenda by two-thirds vote of those regular members present and voting if a quorum is present.
  3. Copies of the minutes of each faculty meeting shall be sent to all faculty.

College Senate and Standing Committees:

  1. The President of the College Senate shall provide the agenda of College Senate meetings to the full faculty not less than one (1) week prior to the meeting.
  2. An item not on the announced agenda of a regular College Senate meeting may be added to the agenda by a two-thirds vote of those members present and voting if a quorum is present.
  3. The College Senate shall meet at least monthly, normally on Wednesday afternoons beginning at 4:00 p.m. during the academic year, except during meetings of the full faculty
  4. The President of the College Senate shall designate a senator to perform the duties of secretary for meetings of the College Senate and for meetings of the faculty.
  5. The President of the College Senate and chairs of Standing Committees shall ensure that minutes are distributed within two (2) weeks of a meeting.
  6. Candidates for the College Senate and Standing Committees shall provide a position statement of no more than two hundred and fifty (250) words on issues relevant to the office for which s/he has been nominated.
  7. Candidate position statements shall be distributed to all faculty prior to the election or included with the ballot.
  8. Candidate position statements are due to the Nominations Committee by March 15.
  9. These standing rules may be suspended by majority vote at any meeting of the College Faculty or College Senate.