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Jung, Y., Hsu D., & Dilks, D.D. (2024). "Walking sensitivity" in the occipital place area in 8-year-olds, not 5-year olds. Cerebral Cortex, 34, 1-10.


Kamps, F.S.*, Rennert, J.R.*, Radwan, S.F., Wahab, S., Pincus, J.E., & Dilks, D.D. (2023). Dissociable cognitive systems for recognizing places and navigating through them: developmental and neuropsychological evidence. Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 6320-6329.

Dilks, D.D., Jung, Y., & Kamps, F.S. (2023). The development of human cortical scene processing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 32, 479-480.

Jones, C.M., Byland, J., & Dilks, D.D. (2023). The occipital place area represents visual information about walking, not crawling. Cerebral Cortex, 1-6.

*See the NIH article on this paper!

Cheng, A., Chen, Z., & Dilks, D.D. (2023). A stimulus-driven approach reveals vertical luminance gradient as a stimulus feature that drives human cortical scene selectivity. NeuroImage, 269, 119935.

Bauer, C.M., Manley, C.E., Ravenscroft, J., Cabral, H., Dilks, D.D., & Bex. P.J. (2023). Deficits in face recognition and consequent quality-of-life factors in individuals with cerebral visual impairment. Vision, 7, 1-15.


Dilks, D.D., Kamps, F.S., & Persichetti, A.S. (2022). Three cortical systems for scene processing and their development. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26, 117-127.

Gillette, K. D., Phillips, E. M., Dilks, D. D., & Berns, G. S. (2022). Using Live and Video Stimuli to Localize Face and Object Processing Regions of the Canine Brain. Animals, 12, 108.

Ayzenberg, V., Kamps, F.S., Dilks, D.D., & Lourenco, S.F. (2022). Skeletal representations of shape in the human visual cortex. Neuropsychologia, 164, 108092.


Suzuki, S.*, Kamps, F.S.*, Dilks, D.D., & Treadway, M.T. (2021). Two scene navigation systems dissociated by deliberate versus automatic processing. Cortex, 140, 199-209.

Hendrix, C., Dilks, D.D., McKenna, B.G., Dunlop, A.L., Corwin, E.J., & Brennan, P.A. (2021). Maternal childhood adversity associates with frontoamygdala connectivity in neonates. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 6, 470-478.

Cheng, A., Walther, D.B., Park, S., & Dilks, D.D. (2021). Concavity as a diagnostic feature of visual scenes. NeuroImage, 232, 117920.


Wang, S., Cheong, Y.F., Dilks, D.D., & Rochat, P. (2020).The Uncanny Valley Phenomenon and the Temporal Dynamics of Face Animacy Perception. Perception, 49, 1069-1089.

Jamal, Y.A. & Dilks, D.D. (2020). Rapid topographic reorganization in adult human primary visual cortex (V1) during noninvasive and reversible deprivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 11059-11067.

Kamps, F.S., Hendrix, C., Brennan, P., & Dilks, D.D. (2020). Connectivity at the origins of domain specificity in the cortical face and place networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 6163–6169.

*See the Scientic American article on this paper!

Kamps, F.S., Pincus, J.E., Radwan, S.F., Wahab, S., & Dilks, D.D. (2020). Late development of navigationally-relevant motion processing in the occipital place area. Current Biology, 30, 544-550.


Persichetti, A.S., & Dilks, D.D. (2019). Distinct representations of spatial and categorical relationships across human scene-selective cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 21312–21317.

*See this paper on Emory news!

Cohen, M.A.*, Dilks, D.D.*, Koldewyn, K., Weigelt, S., Feather, J., Keil, B., Fischl, B., Zollei, L., Wald, L., Saxe, R., Kanwisher, N. (2019). Representational similarity precedes category selectivity in the developing ventral visual pathway. NeuroImage, 197, 565-574.

Kamps, F.S., Morris, E., & Dilks, D.D. (2019). A face is more than just the eyes, nose, and mouth: fMRI evidence that face-selective cortex represents external features. NeuroImage, 184, 90-100.


Persichetti, A.S., & Dilks, D.D. (2018). Dissociable neural systems for recognizing places and navigating through them. Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 10295-10304.

Julian, J.B., Kamps, F.S., Epstein, R.A., & Dilks, D.D. (2018). Dissociable spatial memory systems revealed by typical and atypical human development. Developmental Science, e1273, 1-12.

Dillon, M.R.*, Persichetti, A.S.*, Spelke, E.S., & Dilks, D.D. (2018). Places in the brain: Bridging layout and object geometry in scene-selective cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 28, 2365-2374.


Kamps, F.S., Julian, J.B., Battaglia, P., Landau, B., Kanwisher, N., & Dilks, D.D. (2017). Dissociating intuitive physics from intuitive psychology: Evidence from Williams syndrome. Cognition, 168, 146-153.

Deen, B., Richardson, H., Dilks, D.D., Takahashi, A., Keil, B., Wald, L.L., Kanwisher, N., & Saxe, R. (2017). Organization of high-level visual cortex in human infants. Nature Communications, 8, 13995. [See also: Emory News]

Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D.D., & Oliva, A. (2017). Memorability: A stimulus-driven perceptual neural signature distinctive from memory. NeuroImage, 149, 141-152.


Kamps, F.S., Lall, V., & Dilks, D.D. (2016). The occipital place area represents first-person perspective motion information through scenes. Cortex, 83, 17-26.

Kamps, F.S., Julian, J.B., Kubilius, J., Kanwisher, N., & Dilks, D.D. (2016). The occipital place area represents the local elements of scenes. NeuroImage, 132, 417-424.

Persichetti, A.S. & Dilks, D.D. (2016). Perceived egocentric distance sensitivity and invariance across scene-selective cortex. Cortex, 77, 155-163.


Dilks, D.D., Cook, P., Weiller, S.K., Berns, H.P., Spivak, M., & Berns, G. (2015). Awake fMRI reveals a specialized region in dog temporal cortex for face processing. PeerJ, 3(1115).

See videos of the dogs practicing for the scanner, during a localizer block, during a motion block, and entering the scanner.


Dilks, D.D., Julian, J.B., Peli, E., & Kanwisher, N. (2014). Reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration depends on complete vision loss. Optometry and Vision Science, 91, 199-206.

Kanwisher, N. & Dilks, D.D. (2014). The functional organization of the ventral visual pathway in humans. In L.M. Chalupa & J.S. Werner (Eds.), The New Visual Neurosciences. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Weigelt, S., Koldewyn, K., Dilks, D.D., McKone, E., & Kanwisher, N. (2014). Domain-specific development of face memory, not face perception. Developmental Science, 17, 47-58.


Dilks, D.D., Julian, J.B., Paunov, A. M., & Kanwisher, N. (2013). The occipital place area (OPA) is causally and selectively involved in scene perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 1331-1336.


McKone, E., Crookes, K., & Jeffery, L., & Dilks, D.D. (2012). A critical review of the development of face recognition: Experience is less important than previously believed. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29, 174-212.


Dilks, D.D., Julian, J.B., Kubilius, J., Spelke, E., & Kanwisher, N. (2011). Mirror-image sensitivity and invariance in object and scene processing pathways. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 11305-11312.

Zhu, Q., Zhang, J., Luo, Y.L.L, Dilks, D.D., & Liu, J. (2011). Resting-state neural activity across face-selective cortical regions is behaviorally relevant. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 10323-10330.

Pitcher, D., Dilks, D.D., Saxe, R., Triantafyllou, C., & Kanwisher, N. (2011). Differential selectivity for dynamic versus static information in face selective cortical regions. Neuroimage, 56, 2356-63.

Keil, B. Alagappan, V., Mareyam, A. McNab, J., Fujimoto, K., Tountcheva, V., Triantafyllou, C., Dilks, D.D., Kanwisher, N., Lin, W., Grant, P., Wald, L. (2011). Size-optimized 32-Channel Brain Arrays for 3 T Pediatric Imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 66, 1777-1787.


Dilks, D.D., Baker, C.I., Liu, Y., & Kanwisher, N. (2009). "Referred Visual Sensations": Rapid Perceptual Elongation after Visual Cortical Deprivation. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 8960-8964.

Dilks, D.D., Baker, C.I., Peli, E., & Kanwisher, N. (2009). Reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration is not specific to the “preferred retinal locus”. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 2768-2773. [See also: Scientific American]


Baker, C.I, Dilks, D.D, Peli, E., & Kanwisher, N. (2008). Reorganization of visual processing in macular degeneration: Replication and clues about the role of foveal loss. Vision Research, 48, 1910-9.

Dilks, D.D., Hoffman, J.E., & Landau, B. (2008). Vision for perception and vision for action: Normal and unusual development. Developmental Science, 11, 474-486.

Valtonen, J., Dilks, D.D., & McCloskey, M. (2008). Cognitive representation of orientation: a case study. Cortex, 44, 1171-1187.


Dilks, D.D., Serences, J.T., Rosenau, B.J., Yantis, S., & McCloskey, M. (2007). Human adult cortical reorganization and consequent visual distortion. Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 9585-9594. See also: [MIT News]


Landau, B., Hoffman, J.E., Reiss, J.E., Dilks, D.D., Lakusta, L., & Chunyo, G. (2006). Specialization, Breakdown, and Sparing in Spatial Cognition: Lessons from Williams syndrome. In C. Morris, H. Lenhoff, & P. Wang (Eds.), Williams-Beuren Syndrome: Research and Clinical Perspectives. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.


Dilks, D.D. & McCloskey, M. (2004). [Review of the book Filling-In: From Perceptual Completion to Cortical Reorganization]. Annals of Neurology, 56, 913.