Daniel D. Dilksdilks at emory dot edu

principal investigator

Danny completed his PhD in Cognitive Science with Mike McCloskey and Barbara Landau at Johns Hopkins University in 2005, after which he became a Postdoctoral Fellow, and later a Research Fellow with Nancy Kanwisher at MIT. He joined the Emory faculty in September 2013, and is thrilled to work with the folks below.

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Yaelan Jungyaelan dot jung at emory dot edu

post-doctoral fellow

Yaelan is a postdoc in the Dilks Lab. She is interested in how high-level vision develops from infancy to adulthood, and how such developmental changes impact children's learning and perception. Before joining the Dilks lab, Yaelan was a postdoc in the Baby Lab at Princeton. She completed her PhD in Psychology with Dirk Bernhardt-Walther at the University of Toronto and her MS in Cognitive Science from Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. She loves to run, swim, and cook/bake when not thinking about kids and their brains!


Zvi Shapirozvi dot raphael dot shapiro at emory dot edu

research associate

Zvi is a research associate working on the HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study under the guidance of Drs. Dilks, Claire Coles and Julie Kable. He is interested in using advanced approaches (neuroimaging, computational and statistical modeling) to better understand and assess neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADHD, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Williams syndrome (WS). Before joining the HBCD, Zvi was a postdoc in the Emory Neurodevelopmental Exposure Clinic (ENEC). He received his PhD in Clinical Psychology from Penn State and his MS in Experimental Psychology from Villanova University.

Boris Botzanowskiboris dot lubin dot botzanowski at emory dot edu

post-doctoral fellow

Boris is a post-doctoral fellow in the Dilks laboratory. He is interested in the possible applications of temporal interference. Before coming to Emory, he studied the temporal interference stimulation technique in silico and in animal models, in particular the stimulation of peripheral nerves and the improvement of stimulation focus.

Rebecca Rennertrebecca dot rennert at emory dot edu

graduate student

Rebecca is a fourth-year graduate student in the Dilks Lab and is interested in how scene recognition and navigation develops throughout childhood, as well as when/how these systems are represented in visual cortex. Before arriving at Emory, she received her BS in Neurobiology at Georgetown University. She then worked with Dr. Elissa Newport investigating the hemispheric lateralization of language in the brain throughout development. Rebecca has recently jumped on the sourdough train and likes to do crossword puzzles.

Hee Kyung Yoonhee dot kyung dot yoon at emory dot edu

graduate student

Hee Kyung is a third-year graduate student in the Dilks Lab. He is interested in how adult visual cortex is functionally organized, especially with respect to navigation. Before coming to Emory, Hee Kyung received his MA in Psychology from Yonsei University. While at Yonsei, he studied the neural representation of navigational opportunities in visual scenes using in-game environments and fMRI with Dr. Soojin Park. Before graduate studies, Hee Kyung received his BA in Psychology from Vanderbilt University where he was a research assistant for Dr. Isabel Gauthier. Hee Kyung really really likes cats.

Delaney Fischer

undergraduate research assistant

Emory ‘25: Psychology & Philosophy Double Major

Stuart Gakio

undergraduate research assistant

Emory ‘24: Psychology & English Double Major

Emmy (Yujingai) Shi

undergraduate research assistant

Emory ‘25: Psychology & Computer Science Double Major

Caroline Martin

undergraduate research assistant

Emory ‘26: Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology & French Double Major

     Lab Alumni