March 2024

Congrats to Yaelan on her new Cerebral Cortex paper!

August 2023

Congratulations to Rebecca on her new Journal of Neuroscience paper "Dissociable cognitive systems for recognizing places and navigating through them: developmental and neuropsychological evidence"!

August 2023

Congratulations to Yaelan on her new review paper "The development of human cortical scene processing" in Current Directions in Psychological Science!

March 2023

Congratulations to Rebecca on successfully defending her masters!

March 2023

Congrats to Chris on having his new Cerebral Cortex paper "OPA represents visual information about walking, not crawling" published!

February 2023

Congrats to Annie on having her vertical luminance gradient paper accepted to NeuroImage!

October 2022

Congrats to Rebecca on having her new PNAS paper “Language and developmental plasticity after perinatal stroke” published!

May 2022

Congrats to Annie Cheng for successfully defending her dissertation! She is now off to her new postdoc position with at Yale with Sarah Yip!

Congratulations to RAs Nathan and Ray on their graduation! After Emory, Nathan will be a Research Assistant at the Harvard Medical School with Jeremy Wolf, while Ray will be starting his masters at Johns Hopkins with Mick Bonner!

March 2022

Congrats to Yaseen on matching with Stanford for his residency in Neuropathology. We are so proud!

August 2021

Rebecca Rennert (graduate student) and Yaelan Jung (Post-Doc) join the Dilks Lab. Welcome!

June 2021

Lab Manager Josh Byland leaves for Medical School. Good luck Josh!

April 2021

Congrats to Nathan on successfully completing his recital! Check out the video here!

March 2021

Congrats to Annie on having her scene concavity paper accepted to NeuroImage!

August 2020

Chris Jones joins the Dilks lab as a new graduate student. Welcome Chris!

March 2020

Congrats to Yaseen Jamal on having his cortical reorganization paper accepted to PNAS!

February 2020

Congrats to Yaseen Jamal for successfully defending his dissertation. He is now heading back to medical school!

Congrats to Freddy Kamps on having his connectivity paper accepted to PNAS!

January 2020

Congrats to Freddy Kamps on having his OPA motion processing paper accepted to Current Biology!

September 2019

Congrats to Andrew Persichetti on having his scene navigation and categorization paper accepted to PNAS!

March 2019

Danny receives a NIH R01 grant from the National Eye Institute for 5 years!

January 2019

Congrats to Freddy Kamps for accepting a postdoc at MIT with Rebecca Saxe and Nancy Kanwisher! We will miss you, but can't wait to see all the fantastic science you will do next.

September 2018

Congrats to Nancy Kanwisher for receiving the Heineken Prize! See Nancy discuss her research

August 2018

Congrats to Yaseen for winning best junior student poster at the annual MD/PhD program retreat. Keep up the great work!

June 2018

Andrew successfully defends his dissertation and earns his PhD! Congrats Dr. Persichetti and best of luck in your new post-doc position with Alex Martin at the NIMH!

May 2018

Danny, Andrew, Freddy, Yaseen, Annie, and Paul attend the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting in St. Pete Beach, Florida. Keep up the great work!

May 2018

Congrats to Freddy Kamps for receiving a Vision Sciences Society Travel Award!

August 18, 2017

Annie Cheng joins as a new graduate student and the Dilks lab celebrates its fourth year. Welcome Annie and Happy 4th Birthday to the Dilks lab!

June 27, 2017

Congrats to Freddy Kamps on having his intuitive physics paper accepted to Cognition!

June 13, 2017

Congrats to Andrew Persichetti on having his scene geometry paper published in Cerebral Cortex!

May 30, 2017

The Dilks lab welcomes undergraduate Sama Radwan, who was awarded a Beckman Institute Undergraduate Research Fellowship. Congrats Sama!

May 19, 2017

Danny, Andrew, and Freddy attend the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting in St. Pete Beach, Florida while Yaseen attends the International Multisensory Research Forum in Nashville, Tennessee. Keep up the good work guys!

April 3, 2017

Danny discusses his latest paper on infant face perception with Emory News. Read the full article here.

February 2016

Bree Beal is awarded the Dean's Teaching Fellowship for the 2017-18 academic year. Congrats Bree!

October 1, 2016

Yaseen Jamal joins the Dilks lab as a new graduate student. Welcome Yaseen!

August 18, 2016

The Dilks lab celebrates its 3 year anniversary to much rejoicing. Danny is wondering why you did not yet send him a message of congratulations.

June 30, 2016

Danny became a Kavli fellow. Congrats Danny!

February 21, 2016

Congrats to Freddy Kamps on having his OPA Parts paper accepted to NeuroImage!

February 20, 2016

Congrats to Andrew on being awarded a VSS travel grant.

February 8, 2016

Congrats to Andrew on having his Egocentric Distance paper accepted to Cortex!

November, 19, 2015

Congrats to Stephanie Wahab on being awarded a SIRE grant.

August 10, 2015

Check out the NYMag piece on our latest publication about face processing in dogs.

June 16, 2015

The Dilks Lab welcomes undergraduates Stephanie Wahab and Mark Spicer to the lab.

May 20, 2015

The Dilks Lab returns from their trip to the Vision Sciences Society Conference.

May 11, 2015

Congrats to Sakib, Vishal, and Alex on graduating from Emory University! Good luck in your future endeavors.

May 5, 2015

Congrats to graduate student Bree Beal for passing his comprehensive exams.

March 30, 2015

Congratulations to graduate student Andrew Pershichetti on receiving a grant from the National Science Foundation.

March 23, 2015

Congratulations to graduate student Freddy Kamps on successfully defending his masters.

March 16, 2015

The Dilks Lab welcomes undergraduate Nate Sawyer to the lab.

February 13, 2015

Congratulations to graduate student Andrew Persichetti on successfully defending his masters.

January 20, 2015

The Dilks Lab welcomes undergraduate Alex Zorn to the lab.

January 1, 2015

Happy New Year from the Dilks Lab! This is the year of Danny 6.0.

August 27, 2014

The Dilks Lab hits the ground running on the first day of classes at Emory.

May 16, 2014

The Dilks Lab attends the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting in St. Pete Beach, Florida. This is not a vacation.

May 10, 2014

Undergraduate Greg Adler, ILA Graduate Student Bree Beal, and High School student Alyssa Cabrera have joined the lab for the summer. Now we finally have enough people to start that lab band.

February 18, 2013

The Dilks Lab celebrates its six-month anniversary. Department largely forgets, except Stella, who rejoices.

January 16, 2013

Undergraduates Sakib Alam and Vishal Lall have joined the lab. They have no idea what they're in for.

December 18, 2013

The Dilks Lab celebrates its four-month anniversary. Stella finally acknowledges us.

October 18, 2013

The Dilks Lab celebrates its two-month anniversary. Psychology department still rejoicing. Stella "sick."

September 18, 2013

The Dilks Lab celebrates its one-month anniverary. Psychology department rejoices, except Stella.

August 18, 2013

The Dilks Lab officially starts at Emory, consisting of Dr. Danny Dilks, graduate students Andrew Persichetti and Freddy Kamps, and lab manager Sam Weiller.

July 15, 2009

Danny Dilks in Scientific American: "The Brain Adapts in a Blink to Compensate for Missing Information."

September 5, 2007

Danny Dilks in MIT News: "Adult brain can change, study confirms."