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Meet the Team

From the beginning of its affiliation with the Laney Graduate School, the Samuel Beckett Correspondence project has been a laboratory for humanities research for graduate students students from French, English, Comparative Literature, and Art History. The several links below feature alumni. Through their experiences with the edition and their professional activities since graduation, you may learn first hand why we are so proud of their contributions to the project.

We will add more fellows and alumni to this list. Most of them continued their work with the project during their years of study at Emory, which means that they are exposed to all of the varying tasks of textual editing: from transcription and data record keeping to basic research as well as work in archives here and abroad. Many have traveled with the editors or conducted research when they were abroad. All have also gained basic skills of editing by helping with the final preparation of the manuscript as it went through its pre-publication stages.


George Craig (d.2019) Headshot
George Craig (d.2019)
Editor & Translator
Viola Westbrook Headshot
Viola Westbrook
Editor and Translator


George Craig (d.2019) Headshot
George Craig (d.2019)
Editor & Translator
Viola Westbrook Headshot
Viola Westbrook
Editor and Translator

Fellows and Alumni

Patrick Bixby Headshot
Patrick Bixby
Professor at ASU
Jacob Hovind Headshot
Jacob Hovind
Assistant Professor of English at Towson University
Jennifer M. Jeffers Headshot
Jennifer M. Jeffers
Professor of English and Associate Dean of the College of Graduate Studies at Cleveland State University